Business Intelligence

We transform data into information, and information into knowledge, to optimize the decision-making process in business.

From information to knowledge

La inteligencia de negocio actúa como un factor estratégico para una empresa u organización, generando una potencial ventaja competitiva que proporciona información privilegiada para responder a los problemas del negocio: entrada a nuevos mercados, promociones u ofertas de productos, eliminación de islas de información, control financiero, optimización de costes, planificación de la producción, análisis de perfiles de clientes, rentabilidad de un producto concreto, etc.

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Business Intelligence

Knowledge as an economic resource and competitive advantage

Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

We help you model your business information, the fundamental basis for any decision-making, so that it can be obtained in a centralized and homogenized way.

Store previously made queries or analysis already carried out, as well as faster access to information, which facilitates communication among departments in the same company.

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Data Lake

Data Lake

Analyze your information silos to the limit. A Data Lake is a repository in which all the company's data is stored regardless of whether or not it is structured. Built on a flat architecture, it is powered by big data and real-time data, and accepts both structured and unstructured information. It's simple to use; allows data preparation steps to be saved and shared at high speed.

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Data Visualization

Data Visualization

Easily identify patterns, trends and outliers in large data sets.

Your analysts and users in self-service mode will get, visually through graphs and interactive dashboards, the information they need to carry out their mission, presenting results and making them available to the company.

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Corporate Performance Management

Corporate Performance Management

Link the insights provided by Business Intelligence with the planning and control cycles of the company.

Data Discovery, planning, forecasting and advanced analysis. Achieve your goals and create a difference in your business thanks to decision-making through a completely unified platform, sharing the same metrics, data and vision of customers, products and markets.

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